Tuesday, March 25, 2008

6 Weeks Out

Greetings everyone! Well I'm a day short of six weeks before I leave on May 5 to go to Zambia. I'm so very excited about this trip. I can't wait to see what God has for me this summer. I'm not sure how much I will write between now and then other than to update on funding and preparations, but if you want to stay informed while I am actually in Zambia this is the place to do it. I should have access to the internet about twice a week via satellite connection so my goal is to update this blog weekly with what's going on and what I'm learning. Thank you all so much for your prayers and support. This trip would not be possible without both. If your interested in learning more about the AMT or Overland just go to their website by clicking on the word. Thanks again.


lefobserver said...
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Katherine said...

Is this the Jonathan Pinney I know from Columbus!!! How exciting that you're going to Africa. Joel and I will be praying for you. I discovered your blog via another friends blog--crazy. I'm excited about seeing your updates to find out the cool things that God is doing through you and in you.
Katherine Kennedy